Education: Overview

Formal education curriculums, whether primary, secondary, or tertiary all have inconsistencies and biases. Almost all formal schooling systems exist within money-based societies. This means that learning within these institutions reflects the societal environment under which the lessons take place.

Some subjects have more inconsistencies and biases than others because they are more closely aligned with the money sequence of value. These subjects include commerce, marketing, business studies, economics and any other subject where money holds importance over all other considerations.

Learning outside of our current money-based societal structure opens up a much larger world of accurate, truthful information – if you know where to find it.

Web sites like,, and do not have an ulterior motive. We are all educating for the betterment of humanity and want the best for you, your family, and the human family as a whole.

Access Abundance For All, and the previously mentioned organizations, do not believe in narrow self interest or exploitation for the reward of money.

So whenever you get sick of plutocrats and politicians lying to you, as well as corporations tracking you all over the internet to later trick you into buying a whole bunch of stuff you don’t need, remember that this web site is a sanctuary to escape from all of the dishonest, predatory wheeling and dealing of our current money-based society.

AAFA’s web site is a safe place where you can come and learn about what’s really going on in the World. And instead of just complaining about what’s wrong with our current monetary system, we offer a multitude of solutions that are now attainable if you are willing to join us in our mission to educate all the World’s people about the true possibilities of a non-monetary Resource Based Economy.

Many switched on parents are now beginning to worry that some of their taxes are being wasted on the current education system, and with good reason. For it basically teaches young people how to engage in predatory competition and other competitive strategies in order to focus each individual on self-maximization and various other narrow self interests, with no consideration for any detrimental effects on society or the environment.

To paraphrase Stephen Hawking, ignorance is not a threat to knowledge, the illusion of what some people think of as knowledge is the real threat.

When it comes to the plutocrats, they don’t want a world with peace and equality. Mainly because there’s no money in it for them, in creating that type of world.

So I guess the moral of the story is, if you want to continue to live in a plutocracy, and be controlled by plutocrats, then don’t teach your kids about a Resource Based Economy, just let their teachers unknowingly brainwash them with the same old plutocratic propaganda as usual. However, if you do want a positive future for your children, and your children’s children, teaching them about a Resource Based Economy is long overdue.

In the current system your children are taught not to question the dominant values of the ruling plutocrat class. They are conditioned to value money above all else. This is done in a very subtle way.

If you tolerate your children being “educated” within a money-based society, you may be choosing the eventual demise of their environment – planet Earth.

If you understand the concepts of a Resource Based Economy and the beneficial outcomes it creates for all the World’s people and the environment, then homeschooling your children with the truth, along with relevant information is a far better way to end up with much more intelligent adults capable of critical thinking.

Remember, in a money-based society, the plutocrats own your children’s minds. Teach your children what the controlling plutocrat class don’t want them to know about – a resource based economy.

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