Objectives: RBE Examples

At AAFA we are always willing to discuss your ideas on ways to support us with the building and creation of RBE examples. You’re probably thinking: What are these RBE examples that you speak of?

Well, just like The Venus Project (TVP), any group that becomes the main advocate for a Resource Based Economy in their country should be trying to do exactly the same thing as Roxanne Meadows and the team over at TVP.

That means acquiring land and then ultimately building the equivalent of what TVP in Venus Florida USA has to offer. This is obviously to provide educational tours, architectural models, media production, and research facilities, just like TVP.

Once each country’s main RBE group has achieved the equivalent of The Venus Project, we each need to remain focused on advancing our country’s RBE example to the next level.

This collaborative and highly concerted effort is the most crucial step in establishing a memorable and enduring awareness in the minds of the general public. This will enable them to fully grasp the huge benefits of a Resource Based Economy.

Jacque Fresco did an amazing amount of work and will always be remembered as the visionary pioneer of the Resource Based Economy. We must never let his work be forgotten.

And it is thanks to Roxanne Meadows that Fresco’s work not only lives on, but is being continued now and into the future.

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