
The Real Anthony Fauci –

Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War
on Democracy and Public Health
by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“The first step is to give up the illusion that the primary purpose of modern medical research is to improve Americans’ health most effectively and efficiently. In our opinion, the primary purpose of commercially funded clinical research is to maximize financal return on investment, not health.”
John Abramson, M.D., Harvard Medical School

Robert F. Kennedy Jr:
From the moment of my reluctant entrance into the vaccine debate in 2005, I was astonished to realize that the CDC owns 57 vaccine patents and spends $4.9 billion annually buying and distributing vaccines. NIH owns hundreds of vaccine patents and often profits from the sale of products it supposedly regulates. High level officials, including Dr Fauci, receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help develop and then usher through the approval process. The FDA receives 45% of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry. I wondered what the environment would look like if the EPA received 45% of its budget from the coal industry!

In this book, I track the rise of Anthony Fauci from his start as a young public health researcher and physician through his metamorphosis into the powerful technocrat who helped orchestrate and execute 2020’s historic coup d’etat against Western democracy. I explore the carefully planned militarization and monetization of medicine, I chronicle the dangerous concentrated mainstream media, Big Tech robber barons, the military and intelligence communities and their deep historical alliances with Big Pharma and public health agencies. The disturbing story that unfolds here has never been told, and many in power have worked hard to prevent the public from learning it. The main character is Anthouny Fauci.

Anthony Fauci’s $417,608 annual salary makes him the highest paid of all four million federal employees, including the President. His 50 years within federal bureaucracy seasoned him exquisitely for a crisis that would allow him to wield power enjoyed by few rulers and no doctor in history.

From the beginning of the Covid-19 era of hysteria and its current continuance, those in political office (in association with numerous billionaires) have carried out violence, coercion, bigotry, and discrimination on the entire global population. Before this insane era such behavious would have been considered hate crimes. But with the help of big tech and the mainstream media they have successfully brainwashed the masses leading them to believe these aberrant behaviours are somehow necessary.

The question is: How can we fight the political establishment to restore our human rights? BUY THIS BOOK! You will be helping to bring the criminal politicians and their billionaire accomplices to justice. If the sales of this book skyrocket causing it to go internationally viral, there is a strong possibility that those responsible for these crimes can be sentenced under The Nuremberg Code and executed for crimes against humanity.

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